Sarah Nöckel

Vice President, London

Sarah joined Northzone in 2020 and focuses on enterprise software, next-generation fintech, and consumer businesses across the UK, France, and Germany.

Sarah has a particular interest in companies at the nexus of data/AI/ML infrastructure that foster collaboration, and programmable ownership. Sarah is the founder of Femstreet, the leading newsletter and global community for women in tech.

Previously, Sarah was an investor at Dawn Capital investing across data analytics and open-source infrastructure. Sarah grew up in Germany and graduated with a degree in Business & Finance from the University of Vienna and CASS Business School London.

Follow your curiosity

No one is good at everything. Figure out the one thing you’re really good at and just work your ass off. If you can’t code – write books and blogs, record videos and podcasts. Carve out a niche for yourself. 

A one woman show, with 15,000+ subscribers

I founded Femstreet, a newsletter for women in tech and venture, back in 2017. I built an email list, grew the list with free content, and now monetise it with a subscription. Femstreet’s online community allows professionals to connect with and learn from peers and experts, leverage resources and discover career opportunities. I have met incredible people through Femstreet, many of the relationships grew into wonderful friendships.